Friday, November 02, 2012


so far I have the night to me though not good for shop meaning customers are off doing what people do on a Friday night without Pizza..
I've been playing with prints of photos of my site in preparation for the big installation day,...
As I dont normally sleep in on a Saturday Ill be up in the beautiful peaceful early hour tomorrow to study and get some time to my self before the males in the house arise....
Finished another pair of socks in I think 8ply Opal,thinking it could be 6 ply as it was a destash and no label,I used the 48 sts pattern and they fit beautifully,toe up etc,Ill post a pic later with a fast edition of pattern in case I forget
I promptly started another pair in Tanis Fibre Art 4 ply  in the dark blue purple mix,it was in a discount box at the Re teat in Toodyay a couple of years ago and I had it earmarked for a travelling woman shawl but am knitting a sock for a short while to see if I actually like it,I do think its quite heavy and the shawl may be the result in the end,still working on the bamboo sock,on te home run with about 35 rows to go to cast off,still no pick being my lunch time knit project it stays on my desk(well really its hanging in a plastic bag off a nail on the wall among the shovels and rakes but its sitting waiting waiting as I haul other goodies out) out the Dairing scarf kit I bought back in May in luscious red,It doesn't seem to be as memory like as I believe it would be but its interesting,done fours rows and fiddly as,can see it will be a labor of love...........
Im staring at one wheel that has a bobbin of singles that need navajo plying and another that I have to center ball and then ply back on itself, feel guilty when I should be working on assignment,really I could finish the dratted thing this week end if I wanted... if only I could get to site and place those ideas out there,half an inch of glorious rain has shut dirt roads g however..., fairly gentle and soaking with a wee bit of thunder to get the nitrogen into the ground,my lawns at work are doing well and finally catching up after the disastrous last four year of mismanagement from up above.
On that topic too,
OSH Bully Week
the interview was quite successful in one way though I felt Id liked to have had another few minutes to discus other things hat have been hidden under the rug there for a couple of years,apparently I was a topic of discussion at some stage as the team viewed the photos of the area and saw how bad they had decayed,thank god for small gifts of friend who open their mouths and tell the truth of the matter...I was amused at the change in opinion towards myself when mentioning a Master of Education, I'm apparently to be... "one of us" in the public arena.with a pat on the back and the rest nodding in approval..scary stuff but beautiful people on the outside( one in particular has most wondrous smile it made you smile with her),they are trained to exult ones worth to get a result,if my boss has said I'm one of the most important in the running of the place,hes said it to everyone so everyone proceeds around the place with heads up, chests out until one of them repeats the conversation and awful truth arrives at the door,its a morale booster and don't we all need it...anyhoo it will be interesting if I get a couple little wins out of the whole thing, the shocked expression at my questions of certain events tells all,I was probably right anyway but junior big boots will have their way in dominating for a own morale booster .
This was of particular interest to me being the OSH Rep at work,but not for long Im pretty sure Ill be out of it quite soon.
 I didn't however get to bring up the rampid bullying,the inappropriate behavior,the manipulative traits within that workplace, remember the latest scandal in the CSIRO , here and here, the last one in particular caught my attention as this is precisely the situation I am familiar with,having no one to support and confide in in the work place is unfair and inhuman,it lead to deterioration of the workplace productivity and health of those its the radio article I listened to early this week on the ABC,it was sited some of these affected personal were  advised to refer to their line manager, when in fact that was the person doing the bullying...
Anyhoo again, off that topic despite the interest I have and onto another Photo, I will endevour to get some new ones soon
I think hes a Ring Tailed Bicycle Dragon but will double check, they play dead very well

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