Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sock pattern

I forgot to say a huge thankyou to those who helped me finish my socks (and start another) ,I have copied the instructions and made a few extra so I shouldn't get caught again!!!!!

The wattles are flowering everywhere so this is my flower to everyone who has helped me!

PS hope you don't get hayfever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How wrong was that Vegenite cardigan?????
    Lovely socks, I have some green Opal socks like that, can't remember the name. I agree about the stripes and patterns helping too.
    No warning about the spider!! Scared the willies out of me!!!

  2. Oh dear!!! Sorry 'bout that! I did that post as a last minute thing Sunday and did't have time to edit when I thought of it shortly after!
    It was harmles but it was the biggest one I had seen for a while! The two younger boys left the 'scene'rapidly when I pointed it out!
    My hugest appologies to those it might have spooked.....

  3. The wattle is out here! But there are no good wattle trees near my place - saw them when I went out the other day.
    Heh. You've got a bit of wildlife around the area too :-)
    I'll probably be in Merredin in just over a month, for a week.

  4. Hi Cathy!
    Glad to hear you're joining the KAL. Most larger bookstores carry it. It's published by Interweave so you could probably order if from there if your LYS doesn't carry it.

  5. I am so glad that you could finish your socks!!

    Nice piccys and yes I do get hayfever but I think I will be okay;)
